Class will be held outside today

Flying Kites teachers take class outside on a gorgeous, sunny day in the Aberdares

Our team in Kenya excitedly assembles a new solar water heater- hurray for hot showers! An abundance of gratitude and joy to our supporters for enabling this powerful leap in the quality of life at our home and the children’s happiness level on shower days!

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What is family for?
Leaning on when times get tough! Or in Lucy’s case, when you get too tired.

Field Day Fun



In November of last year, Flying Kites made the vital decision to scale its class sizes down to ten children per teacher for the sake of quality education for both student and provider. In doing so, we partnered with an area private school called Mwangaza Primary that was seeking to intake students also at a scaled level of high quality.


Alex watches the competition with fierce interest


This past Saturday, for the first time since November, the two schools united in a memorable field day celebration. All week the two schools practiced in preparation, to compete in sack racing, handball, soccer, and tug of war from morning until evening with the teachers acting as coaches. Each of the kids had a chance to participate in sports and the day created an opportunity for bonding time between the kids at Flying Kites Leadership Academy and other kids in the community. We were proud to see great sportsmanship from both schools and look forward to hosting many more days with Mwangaza.

How Birthdays Can Change Lives


This month we had the pleasure of hosting long time supporter, Kendi, for her 30th birthday at the Flying Kites home in Kenya. Kendi, who is one of our child sponsors, made the decision to ask each of her guests that in place of a birthday present, they make a donation to the children at Flying Kites. Donations ranged from school supplies to academic books and soccer balls. She and her husband flew into Kenya from the UK and met the rest of her friends and family at the home where we spent the day playing sports, eating lunch together, and dancing on the lawn.

When the rains began to show their cards, we gathered in the sitting room and held the largest family meeting in our history with upwards of 60 people huddled together. Each of us shared one thing we were grateful for and more often than not, it was for each other. We are so honored to have hosted Kendi and her family for such a wonderful celebration and humbled as our family continues to grow to include so many compassionate souls. More than anything, we are grateful to have extraordinary Kenyan mentors like Kendi and her family for the importance of strong role models can never be overstated. Asante Sana Kendi and family!

No matter where you are in the world, donating a birthday party to Flying Kites is easy. Instead of birthday presents, just ask your family and friends to donate to Flying Kites by becoming a sponsor. We’ll use 100% of the money raised towards creating a better future for all 26 of our children, that means that whether you get one person to sponsor or your entire network, you are changing lives.

-Hannah Peterson




We have stepped up our photo sharing and joined Instagram, a fun mobile application available for Androids and iPhone users.  

Follow us: flying_kites_dreams 

You an also view our Instagram pictures on the web 

Squeaky clean

Serah gets creative with shampoo

Today is shampoo day at Flying Kites! How are you planning to work a little fun into your Monday routine?

Auntie Rebecca practices her tiger mom look with a cheeky Rahab

Hannah, Auntie Rebecca, and Elias

Blog at

flying kites

Impact, updates, and inspiration. As told by the Flying Kites community.

The Esquire

An elegant and bold theme for


Empowering through the transformative power of Yoga

Impact, updates, and inspiration. As told by the Flying Kites community.

Kenya Dig It?

... an update on the happenings of Brian Jones